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straight tap
Strike the ball of foot sharply on ground and up Again.(ankle action) 铁片和地面平行,垂直敲击地板,结束时脚掌停留在空中。(脚踝动作)
toe beat
Same as toe tap, but leave toe on ground.
脚尖(铁片前端)抬高 敲击地板 两脚相互交叉在后 结束时 脚停留在地板。
back brush
A broader movement than a back tap, swing to come from knee and hip.
摆荡大腿 由前往后敲击地板 结束时 脚停留在空中。(腿部动作)
Transfer of weight on ball of foot.
身体移动向前 重心置于脚掌 脚跟离开地板。
Heavy down beat on flat of foot.
身体移动向前 重心置于全脚掌 脚掌紧贴地板。
ball tap
Stand on both feet. Lift toe of one foot and tap ball of foot on the ground. Can be done standing on one food.
脚掌翘起 由上往下 敲击地板 结束时 脚掌停留在空中。
back tap
Strike the ball of foot sharply back.(ankle action)
ball beat
Same as ball tap, but the ball of the foot remains on the ground.
脚掌翘起 由上往下 敲击地板 结束时 脚掌停留在地板。
heel tap
Lift heel off the ground by bending the knee and strike the heel sharply down and up.
toe tap
With point of toe sharply tap on ground and up again.
脚尖(铁片前端)抬高 敲击地板 结束时 脚掌停留在空中。
forward brush
A broader movement than a forward tap, the swing to come from the hip and knee. 铁片敲击地板后 向前轻刷并摆荡大腿。(腿部动作)
forward tap
Strike the ball of foot sharply forward.(ankle action)
heel beat
Same as heel tap, but leave toe on ground.
脚跟抬高 由上往下 敲击地板 结束时 脚掌停留在地板。
heel dig
With heel of foot gave a sharp hard dig on floor.
ball dig
With ball of foot gave a sharp hard dig on floor.

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